1. You Are Not Your Disease
After herpes diagnosis, it may be difficult to think about anything other than the fact that you have a disease, but that’s all it is — a disease. It isn’t who you are. One of the toughest things to remember when dating with herpes is that mostly it’s just dating — an activity fraught with the potential for drama, pain, and heartbreak for pretty much everyone.
With few exceptions, people don’t date solely because they want to have sex. They date because they like each other and find each other interesting and attractive. When those other things are true, a herpes diagnosis often doesn’t seem like that big a deal. If you like someone enough, herpes can be just something you have to work with, like snoring or an affection for mornings.
2. You need to have “The Talk” with your Partner.
This is the BIG CHANGE you must make: you must get honest with your partner. This is one of the hardest parts of dating with herpes.Many of us got Herpes because a partner was not honest with us, the least we can do is to start doing the right thing and tell our partners.
3. Get Your partner tested.
Twenty percent (20%) of the adult population has genital herpes, and up to 80% have oral herpes (HSV-1).So there’s a good chance that your dating partner already has herpes. Especially if you have recently been diagnosed. I mean you had to get it from someone! Getting a Blood test for Herpes for your partner is easy and affordable.
4. You Can Reduce Risk of Transmission.
Once you have found a dating partner, you should take some basic precautions sexually.Here’s some things you can do to prevent transmission:
Avoid sex before, during, or immediately after outbreaks.
Use condoms.
Take Herpes suppressive medication.
Taking Valtrex or Acyclovir on a daily basis
5. Overcome the “Shame” Factor of Dating with Herpes.
Let’s face it, it is emotionally very challenging to get a Herpes diagnosis. It’s easy to want to give up on dating. But the sooner you can learn about this little virus, take the necessary health steps, the sooner you can start dating.It takes a bit of courage, to start dating again but millions do it. The sooner you get out there and start dating again, the easier you will make it upon yourself.
6. Do Everything You Can to Grow As a Person and Be Happy.
Remember your life is not over when you begin dating with herpes. It’s just a change. So keep growing as a person, do things to keep you happy, be social, be honest, and love yourself. That way you will be able to attract a beautiful partner or be a loving, wonderful partner.
7. Some People May Reject You, But The Right Person Won’t
The truth is, some people will reject you when they find out you have herpes. To quote a herpes support forum poster, “dating with herpes can be stressful.” However, if you talk about your diagnosis early, have information handy so that you can talk honestly about the actual risks and concerns of the disease, and are willing to do what you can to reduce the chance you will spread herpes to your partner, it’s not the end of the world.
I know numerous people with genital and oral herpes who are open about disclosing their condition and have active, happy dating and sexual lives. The truth is, it’s so hard to meet the right person that dating with herpes makes it only the tiniest bit harder. Life after herpes doesn’t mean life without love.
Maybe you're hopeless to find your love, it's indeed a very difficult thing to tell her or him that you have herpes. Join us: http://www.herpesfishes.com/, you don't need to worry about it. Because the people here is same as you, and the most important-They are honest and sincere.
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